At St Margaret’s, we regularly review our policies and producers to ensure we are a safe church. All our staff and volunteers are DBS checked and have safeguarding training. For more information on safeguarding click here.
Contact Helen with any safeguarding issues on 07899 813113

Why does Safeguarding matter in a Christian community?
Jesus talked of the kingdom of God belonging to children; he gave them status, time and respect. Jesus also showed himself to be compassionately on the side of those without power, reaching across social barriers with the inclusive love of God.
A Christian approach to safeguarding children, vulnerable adults and those in abusive relationships therefore asks both individuals and communities to create a safe environment for them, to act promptly on any complaints made, to care for those who have been abused in the past, and to minister appropriately to those who have abused.
Our Safeguarding policies and documents
Parish of St Margaret's Putney Safeguarding Policy Promoting a Safer Church
Delegation by the PCC Members: Reporting of Serious Incidents to the Charity Commission
Parish of St Margaret’s Putney Policy for Responding to Domestic Abuse
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers
Pamela Chisholm - Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
020 7939 9423 Mobile 07982 279713 (for urgent matters out of hours) -
Marie Daly - Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers
020 7939 9441 Mobile 07946 255295 -
Louise Vernon
020 7939 9462 Mobile 07946 255622
For more information see the diocesan policy: A Safe Church
Finding help right now
The 24/7 National Domestic Abuse helpline, which offers support to victims and people affected by domestic abuse, is free to call on 0808 2000 247.
Samaritans: 116 123 (free and 24hrs) - for anyone struggling
Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: 0808 808 8141 (free Monday to Friday 9-5)
The Respect Phoneline provides confidential advice and support to help perpetrators stop being violent and abusive, and is free to call 0808 8024040
Men’s Advice Line: 0808 801 0327 a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic violence and those supporting them
Karma Nirvana: 0800 5999 247 Mon to Fri 9am–5pm supporting victims of honour based abuse and forced marriage
Hour Glass: 0808 808 8141 challenging the abuse of older people in all its forms
Galop LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 999 5428
Childline: 0800 1111 if you’re a child or young person and domestic abuse is happening in your home or relationship.
NSPCC Child protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (free and 24hrs)
More information about support services that are available is here and from the Church of England, the National Safeguarding Teams Guidance on Domestic Abuse